Field of interest

The main field of interest is experimental high-energy physics using accelerators, exploring Standard Model and MSSM and searching for new signals Beyond SM.
I have been working on the design and implementation of different types of gas detectors in complex experimental apparatus at CERN, covering many international responsibilities.
Since 2015 I have been leading the CMS Muon System, the largest Muon detector ever built, coordinating a team of about 400 scientists, students and technicians.
Since 2007 I am working also on diagnostics tools for medical application, using gaseous detectors. I am currently involved in the R&D for the Muon collider experiment.

ORCID Anna Colaleo



  • Università degli Studi di Bari: Bari, Puglia, IT
  • 1998 Ph.D. Thesis about search for supersymmetry at LEP2


Research activities and coordination in ALEPH experiment at LEP (CERN)
  • 1996-1998: member of the group SUSY TASK FORCE: search for supersymmetric particles at center of mass energy between 161 and 209 GeV
  • 1995-1998: Hadron calorimeter and Muon system on call expert.
  • 1993 software development for a new HCAL and Muon trigger board for LEP2 data taking.
  • Since 1993 member of the ALEPH Collaboration

Research activities and coordination in the CMS experiment at LHC (CERN)
  • 1996-1998: member of the group SUSY TASK FORCE: search for supersymmetric particles at center of mass energy between 161 and 209 GeV
  • 1995-1998: Hadron calorimeter and Muon system on call expert.
  • 1993 software development for a new HCAL and Muon trigger board for LEP2 data taking.
  • Since 1993 member of the ALEPH Collaboration

Italian National Scientific committees and coordination
  • Since 1994 member of the CMS RPC group.
  • 1994-2002 responsible for the acquisition and online display of data collected during R&D tests on RPC detectors at LHC.
  • 1998-2003 coordinator at CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility of the aging tests on CMS RPC Barrel detector.
  • 2003-2009 responsibility for testing and final certification of the Barrel RPCs of CMS.
  • 2004-2009 Installation Technical Coordinator of the CMS RPC system.
  • 2005-2008 responsible for the commissioning of the CMS Barrel RPC system.
  • 2006-2008 CMS RPC Technical Coordinator.
  • 2006 RPC coordinator during the CMS Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge, first test of CMS subdetector integration in magnetic field.
  • 2008 RPC coordinator during the Cosmic Run At Four Tesla (CRAFT08), first test of CMS running and continuous operation.
  • 2009-2010 Deputy Project Manager of the CMS RPC project.
  • 2011-2012 coordinator of INFN activities (Bari, Naples, Pavia, LNF) within the CMS RPC Project.
  • 2011-today coordinator of CMS Bari group activities on the search for Standard Model and MSSM Higgs Bosons in τ final states (several Master and PhD theses), search for BSM physics: Z’->mu mu and tau_>3mu .
  • 2011-2013 Resource Manager of the CMS RPC Project.
  • 2013-2015 Resource Manager of the CMS GEM Project.
  • 2013-2015 Detector Performance Group coordinator of CMS GEM project
  • 2013-2016 coordinator of INFN activities (Bari, Bologna, Naples, Pavia, LNF) within the CMS GEM Project.
  • 2015 Editor of CMS Technical Design Report for the Muon Endcap GEM Upgrade.
  • 2015-2017 Muon Upgrade coordinator of the CMS Muon System, coordinating the Phase2 Upgrade of the Muon system. ~450 people.
  • 2013-2015 Editor of “CMS Technical Design Report for the Muon Endcap GEM Upgrade” (CERN-LHCC-2015-012 CMS-TDR-013).
  • 2016-2018 Editor of “The Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Muon Detectors (CERN-LHCC-2017-012; CMS-TDR-016).
  • 2015-2017 Deputy Project Manager of the CMS Muon System (four Muon subprojects: RPC, DT, GEM, CSC).
  • 2017-2019 CMS Muon System Manager (four Muon subprojects: RPC, DT, GEM, CSC) ~450 people.
  • 2019 – 2020 CMS Muon Resource Manager.
  • 2020- today Chair of the Muon Institution Board of the CMS experiment.

European and National Projects
  • 2015- 2019 member of AIDA_2020 -WP13 “Innovative gas detectors”.
  • 2011-2013 AIDA WP.8 “Improvement and equipment of irradiation and test beam lines. Subtask 8.5.3 - GIF++ user infrastructure”.
  • AMIDERHA -"Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013"- PON02_00576_3329762, “Sistemi Avanzati Mini-Invasivi di Diagnosi”. I developed a beam monitor using GEM detector, for environmental and hadroterapy application. Supervisor of PhD thesis “A study of GEM based detectors for Medical and Environmental Physics applications”

Conference, school committees
  • 2004- today. For several years member of program committee Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Chair of Gaseous Detector sessions and Topic Convener Gaseous Detectors: R&D I, Gaseous Detectors: R&D II.
  • 2015 organization committee of ACES 2016 - Fifth Common ATLAS CMS Electronics Workshop for LHC Upgrades
  • 2012 -today. Member of local organizing committee of National and International Seminars of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics Francesco Romano (Otranto-Italy)

Journal Reviewer
  • 2019 – today: The Journal of Instrumentation (JINST )
  • 2020 – today: Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A

Review of Grants
  • 2017 - Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong.
  • 2018 - review Areas of Excellence Scheme proposal for Research Grants Council, Hong Kong


From ISi Web Of Science: 1276 publications , H-index: 110
Author details on Scopus


  • PhD courses on detectors and particle physics at national and international schools.
  • 2013-today member of committee of PhD school at the Physics Department in the Bari University
Supervisor master degree thesis
  1. A.A. 1999-2000: "Studio delle prestazioni del prototipo di RPC per CMS alla Gamma Irradiation Facility del CERN"
    B. D'ercole.
  2. A.A. 2000-2001: "Il Sistema di trigger e acquisizione dati di CMS: sviluppo di un prototipo per test di RPC"
    A.M. De Martinis.
  3. A.A. 2005-2006: "Test finali di validazione al CERN degli RPC di CMS"
    M.A. Borgia.
  4. A.A. 2008-2009: "Analisi del decadimento del bosone neutro Z nel canale Z->τ τ->μ + τ jet all'esperimento CMS"
    Cesare Calabria.
  5. A.A. 2010-2011: "Ricerca del bosone di Higgs in produzione associata WH e con stati finali (W->μ v) (H-> τ τ -> e + τ jet + 3 v) all'esperimento CMS a LHC"
    Rosamaria Venditti.
  6. A.A. 2010-2011: "Ricerca del bosone di Higgs in produzione associata WH e con stati finali (Wμ v) (H->τ τ ->μ + τ jet + 3 v) all'esperimento CMS a LHC"
    Lucia Perrini.
  7. A.A. 2010-2011: "Ricerca del bosone di Higgs in produzione associata WH nel canale di decadimento (W->μ v) (H ->τ τ ->τ jet + τ jet + 2 v) all'esperimento CMS a LHC"
    Raffaella Radogna.
  8. A.A. 2012-2013: "Ricerca del bosone di Higgs del Modello Standard in associazione con un bosone W e con tau adronici nello stato finale produzione con l'esperimento CMS a LHC"
    Claudio Caputo.
  9. A.A. 2014-2015: "Ricerca di coppie di Higgs risonanti nello stato finale bb con l'esperimento CMS a LHC"
    Filippo Errico.
  10. A.A. 2015-2016: " Ricerca di risonanze ad alta massa nello stato finale + - a s = 13 TeV con l'esperimento CMS"
    Giovanna Tansella.
  11. A.A. 2017-2018: “Study of low momentum muon reconstruction with CMS experiment at LHC”
    Leonarda Lorusso.
  12. A.A. 2017-2018: “Search for τ -> 3μ decays using τ leptons produced in D and B mesons decays in CMS experiment at LHC”
    Caterina Aruta
  13. A.A. 2018-2019 “Performance stability studies of GEM detector under sustained operation at the CMS experiment at LHC :
    Anna Stamerra
  14. A.A. 2019-2020 Performance study of the GEM detector for the innermost Muon station of the CMS experiment in cosmic rays:
    Gabriele Milella (on-going)
Supervisor PhD thesis
  1. XXII ciclo (co-supervisor): Dott.ssa L. Lusito
    "Reconstruction and selection of Z τ τμ + τ jet +v's decays at the CMS experiment".
  2. XXV ciclo (co-supervisor: Dott. C. Calabria.
    "Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson and decaying to tau pairs with the CMS experiment at LHC".
  3. XXVII ciclo (co-supervisor): Dott.ssa R Venditti
    “Search for Higgs bosons with τ leptons final states with the CMS experiment at LHC”.
  4. XXVIII ciclo (supervisor): Dott.ssa. R. Radogna
    “Search for high mass resonances decaying into muon pairs with the CMS experiment at LHC”.
  5. XXIX ciclo (supervisor): Dott. C. Caputo
    “Search for resonant Higgs boson pair production in the bb final state with the CMS experiment at LHC”.
  6. XXIX ciclo (supervisor): Dott.ssa. P. R. Altieri
    “A study of GEM based detectors for Medical and Environmental Physics applications”.
  7. XXX ciclo (supervisor):Dott. F. Errico
    “Search for resonances decaying into muon pairs with the CMS experiment at LHC”
  8. XXXI ciclo (co-supervisor): Dott.ssa E. Soldani (on-going)
    “Studio di rivelatori Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector per l’upgrade di fase 1 e fase 2 di CMS”
  9. XXXIV ciclo (co-supervisor): Dott.ssa F. Simone (on-going)
    “Search for tau to three muons decay at the CMS experiment in Run-II”
  10. XXXV ciclo (supervisor): Dott.ssa C. Aruta (on-going)
    “Search for Charged Lepton Flavor Violation at CMS in future LHC runs”
  11. XXXV ciclo (co-supervisor): Dott. A. Pellecchia (on-going)
    “First performance of Triple-GEM detectors at LHC and development of innovative micro-pattern gaseous detectors for future colliders”


  1. Main editor of the following social/web pages:
  2. Articles/interviews/seminars:
  3. Member of the Outreach group for the CERN Open Day 2019
  4. 2014 - Member of the organizing committee "CERN - 60 years of science for peace" - 25-26 October 2014, Bari
  5. 2014 - photographic exhibition on the history of CERN for CERN 60 photographic exhibition "60 years CERN for peace", Sala Murat Bari, 25-26. October 2014
  6. 2013 - Member of the organizing committee "Celebration Day of the 50th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Department of Physics of the University of Bari", October 9, 2013.
  7. 2012 - today: member of the Organizing Committee of the "National Seminar of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics", which takes place annually in Otranto.
  8. 2008 - exhibition "Women driving the greatest machine ever built by Man", a travelling photographic exhibition in Italy and abroad from 2008 to 2014. dedicated to Italian scientists involved in the great European project LHC


