Field transformation and Monte Carlo simulations.
Michele Pepe
We describe a new method to compute, by stochastic simulations,
observables at many values of the parameters $\lambda$
for a model with lattice action ${\cal{S}}(\phi, \lambda)$.
Fixed a reference set $\lambda^r$ of parameters, we perform a single
simulation using a ``reference action'' ${\cal{S}} (\phi^r, \lambda^r)$ to
generate configurations of field $\phi^r$.
Then we perform a suitable analytic transformation from the
configurations of $\phi^r$ to the ones corresponding to the action
${\cal{S}} (\phi, \lambda)$.
Such a transformation allows us to obtain the observables
for values of the parameters $\lambda$ close to $\lambda^r$.
We present studies on the reliability of the algorithm in the case
of the $\phi^4$ model in 2 dimensions.
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