Dynamics and Statics of disordered, frustrated and glassy
systems. Part I, II
D. Sherrington
In these two talks I shall review several different approaches to the
analytic derivation of the macrodynamics and statics-thermodynamics of
disordered, frustrated and other glassy systems, concentrating on cases
with range-free connectivity/(sophisticated) mean field character, together
with aspects of their implications for issues such as aging.
In particular, for the dynamics I shall discuss the use of
generating functionals and dynamical replica theory, random sequential
and parallel dynamics, single time macrovariables and two-time
correlation and response functions. I shall also describe a number of recent
applications, to a p-spin spherical spin glass with biased interactions,
neural networks for retrieval
of both static patterns and sequences and (perhaps) for the dynamics of
learning, Josephson arrays, barrier penetration, glass transition
in self-organizing cellular patterns, and if time permits,
cellular automata with non-motonic local rules.
Elenco dei partecipanti al convegno di Bari.