A 2D CFT description of conventional and non conventional plateaux for a quantum Hall fluid

Vincenzo Marotta


We constructed an effective conformal field theory by using a procedure which induces twisted boundary conditions for the fundamental scalar fields. That allows to describe a quantum Hall fluid at Jain hierarchical filling nu=m/2pm+1, in terms of one charged scalar field and m-1 neutral ones. Than the resulting algebra of the chiral primary fields is U(1)xWm. Finally the ground state wave functions are given as correlators of appropriate composite fields. Such a construction has been extended to the description of a quantum Hall fluid at non standard filling nu=m/pm+2. Also in this last case the chiral primary fields appear as composite operators of a charged and neutral component. The neutral modes describe parafermions and contribute to the ground state wave function with a generalized Pfaffian term. Also correlators of electrons in the presence of quasihole exitations are explicitely given for the m=2 case.

Elenco dei partecipanti al convegno di Bari.