SM&FT 2011
The XV Workshop on Statistical Mechanics
and nonperturbative Field Theory
Bari (Italy), September 21-23, 2011
Dipartimento di Fisica Univ. Bari - INFN Sezione di Bari
Registration & Abstract submission
Local info
Photo Gallery
Past editions of SM&FT
Organizing Committee

First Bulletin

The XV workshop on Statistical Mechanics and non perturbative Field Theory will be held in Bari from 21 to 22 September, 2011.

This workshop is part of a series of workshops whose first edition was in 1988.

The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers in Statistical Mechanics and non perturbative Field Theory, especially for young researchers.

As in the past years the workshop venue will be the Dipartimento di Fisica of the Bari University.

The talks will be given  in plenary and parallel sessions.

For further information, registration, abstract submission, and hotel reservation:

We look forward to welcoming participants to Bari.

The Organizing Committee
(L.Angelini, P.Cea, G.M.Cicuta,  L.Cosmai, M.D'Elia, G.Gonnella, F.Guerra, S.Stramaglia, M.Villani)