NOW 2024 Program (printer friendly)

Neutrino Oscillation Workshop
Otranto (Lecce, Italy)
September 2-8, 2024

PLENARY TALKS (morning): 25' + 5'
PARALLEL TALKS (afternoon): 15' + 5'

Session I             Standard three-neutrino oscillations
Conveners:         Christoph Ternes and Jeanne Wilson

Session II            Beyond the standard framework
Conveners:             Lea Di Noto and Shun Zhou

Session III        ​Neutrino masses, states and interactions
Conveners:             Luca Pattavina and Noemi Rocco

Session IV        ​Particle physics from the sky and the cosmos
Conveners:           Carmelita Carbone and Antonio Marinelli

Extra Session                   Crossing the portal