Paolo Facchi’s papers




  1. 1.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Temporal behavior and quantum Zeno region of an excited state of the hydrogen atom
    Physics Letters A 241, 139 (1998)
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  1. 2.S. Pascazio, P. Facchi
    Duration of the quantum “Zeno” region for an excited state of the hydrogen atom
    in Proceedings of the “5th Wigner Symposium”
    edited by P. Kasperkovitz and D. Grau (World Scientific, Singapore, 1998) p. 512 
    [link]  [PDF]


  1. 3.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    La regola d'oro di Fermi
    (Bibliopolis, Napoli, 1999). [In Italian] [book]
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  1. 4.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, A. Scardicchio
    Measurement-induced quantum diffusion
    Physical Review Letters 83, 61 (1999)
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  1. 5.P. Facchi, A.G. Klein, S. Pascazio, L.S. Schulman
    Berry phase from a quantum Zeno effect
    Physics Letters A 257, 232 (1999)
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  1. 6.S. Pascazio, P. Facchi
    Modifying the lifetime of an unstable system by an intense electromagnetic field
    Acta Physica Slovaca 49, 557 (1999)
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  1. 7.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Berry phase due to quantum measurements
    Acta Physica Slovaca 49, 671 (1999)
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  1. 8.P. Facchi, A. Mariano, S. Pascazio
    Wigner function and coherence properties of cold and thermal neutrons
    Acta Physica Slovaca 49, 677 (1999)
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  1. 9.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Deviations from exponential law and Van Hove's “λ²t” limit
    Physica A 271, 133 (1999)
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  1. 10.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, A. Scardicchio
    Quantum chaos induced by measurements
    in “Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Information and Quantum Chaos,” edited by M. Ohya (Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto)
    RIMS Kokyuroku 1142, 58 (2000)
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  1. 11.P. Facchi, A. Mariano, S. Pascazio
    Decoherence in neutron interferometry
    Physica B 276-278, 970 (2000)
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  1. 12.J. Řeháček, J. Peřina, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio,L. Mišta
    Quantum Zeno effect in a probed down-conversion process
    Physical Review A 62, 013804 (2000)
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  1. 13.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Spontaneous emission and lifetime modification caused by an intense electromagnetic field
    Physical Review A 62, 023804 (2000)
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  1. 14.P. Facchi, V. Gorini, G. Marmo, S. Pascazio, E.C.G. Sudarshan
    Quantum Zeno Dynamics
    Physics Letters A 275, 12 (2000)
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  1. 15.P. Facchi
    Quantum time evolution: free and controlled dynamics
    PhD Thesis (University of Bari, Italy, October 2000)


  1. 16.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Quantum Zeno and inverse quantum Zeno effects
    Progress in Optics, Vol. 42, Chapter 3, edited by E. Wolf (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2001) p. 147 [review article]
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  1. 17.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, H. Nakazato, J. Řeháček, J. Peřina
    Stability and instability in parametric resonance and quantum Zeno effect
    Physics Letters A 279, 117 (2001)
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  1. 18.P. Facchi, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio
    From the quantum Zeno to the inverse quantum Zeno effect
    Physical Review Letters 86, 2699 (2001)
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  1. 19.P. Facchi, A. Mariano, S. Pascazio
    Decoherence versus entropy in neutron interferometry
    Physical Review A 63, 052108 (2001)
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  1. 20.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Van Hove's “λ²t” limit in nonrelativistic and relativistic field-theoretical models
    Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 12, 2777 (2001)
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  1. 21.J. Řeháček, J. Peřina, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, L. Mišta
    Quantum Zeno effect in a nonlinear coupler
    Optics and Spectroscopy 91, 501 (2001)
    [Optika i Spektroskopia 91, 530 (2001)]
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  1. 22.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Quantum Zeno effects with "pulsed" and "continuous" measurements
    in “Time's arrows, quantum measurements and superluminal behavior,” edited by D. Mugnai, A. Ranfagni and L.S. Schulman (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Monografie Scientifiche, Roma, 2001) p. 139
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  1. 23.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Quantum Zeno phenomena: pulsed versus continuous measurement
    Fortschritte der Physik 49, 941 (2001)
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  1. 24.A. Mariano, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Decoherence and fluctuations in quantum interference experiments
    Fortschritte der Physik 49, 1033 (2001)
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  1. 25.S. Pascazio, P. Facchi, Z. Hradil, G. Krenn, J. Řeháček
    Quantum Zeno tomography
    Fortschritte der Physik 49, 1071 (2001)
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  1. 26.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, A. Scardicchio, L. S. Schulman
    Zeno dynamics yields ordinary constraints
    Physical Review A 65, 012108 (2001)
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  1. 27.L. S. Schulman, E. Mihóková, A. Scardicchio, P. Facchi, M. Nikl, K. Polák, B. Gaveau
    Slow relaxation, confinement, and solitons
    Physical Review Letters 88, 224101 (2002)
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  1. 28.P. Facchi, Z. Hradil, G. Krenn, S. Pascazio, J. Řeháček
    Quantum Zeno tomography
    Physical Review A 66, 012110 (2002)
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  1. 29.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Quantum Zeno subspaces
    Physical Review Letters  89, 080401 (2002)
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  1. 30.P. Facchi
    Interference of mesoscopic systems and decoherence: the example of fullerenes
    in  First International Workshop on Classical and Quantum Interference, edited by J. Peřina, M. Hrabovský and J. Křepelka, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4888, 63 (2002)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 31.P. Facchi, A. Mariano, S. Pascazio
    Mesoscopic interference
    Recent Research Development in Physics (Transworld Research Network) 3, 1 (2002)

  1. 32.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Quantum measurements, decoherence and irreversibility
    ``Preprint Series 24" (University of Bologna, Italy, 2002) p. 101


  1. 33.P. Facchi, A. Mariano, S. Pascazio, M. Suda
    Decoherence, fluctuations and Wigner function in neutron optics
    Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 5, S290 (2003)
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  1. 34.P. Facchi
    Quantum Zeno effect, adiabaticity and dynamical superselection rules
    Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis XVII, 197 (2003)
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  1. 35.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Unstable systems and quantum Zeno phenomena in quantum field theory
    Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis XVII, 222 (2003)
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  1. 36.P. Facchi, Y. Nakaguro, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, M. Unoki, K. Yuasa
    Optimization of a Neutron-Spin Test of the Quantum Zeno Effect
    Physical Review A 68, 012107 (2003)
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  1. 37.A. Scardicchio, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Fractal entropy of a chain of nonlinear oscillators
    Physical Review E 68, 026211 (2003)
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  1. 38.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Three different manifestations of the quantum Zeno effect
    in “Irreversible Quantum Dynamics,” edited by F. Benatti and R. Floreanini, Lecture Notes in Physics (Springer-Verlag, Berlin) Vol. 622, 141 (2003)
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  1. 39.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Quantum Zeno subspaces and decoherence
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 72 Supplement C, 30 (2003)
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  1. 40.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio,
    Quantum Zeno subspaces and dynamical superselection rules
    in “The Physics of Communication,” Proceedings of the XXII Solvay Conference in Physics, edited by I. Antoniou, V.A. Sadovnichy and H. Walther (World Scientific, Singapore, 2003) p. 251
    [link]  [PDF, fig. 5]


  1. 41.S. Tasaki, A. Tokuse, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Control of Decoherence: Dynamical Decoupling versus Quantum Zeno Effect - a case study for trapped ions
    International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 98, 160 (2004)
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  1. 42.P. Facchi, D.A. Lidar, S. Pascazio
    Unification of dynamical decoupling and the quantum Zeno effect
    Physical Review A 69, 032314 (2004)
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  1. 43.P. Facchi
    Thermal decoherence in mesoscopic interference
    Journal of Modern Optics 51, 1049 (2004)
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  1. 44.P. Facchi, G. Marmo, S. Pascazio, A. Scardicchio, E.C.G. Sudarshan
    Zeno dynamics and constraints
    Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 6, S492 (2004)
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  1. 45.N. Basalto, R. Bellotti, F. De Carlo, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Clustering stock market companies via chaotic map synchronization
    Physica A 345, 196 (2005)
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  1. 46.P. Facchi, S. Tasaki, S. Pascazio, H. Nakazato, A. Tokuse, D.A. Lidar
    Control of decoherence: analysis and comparison of three different strategies
    Physical Review A 71, 022302 (2005)
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  1. 47.P. Facchi, S. Montangero, R. Fazio, S. Pascazio
    Dynamical imperfections in quantum computers
    Physical Review A 71, 060306(R) (2005)
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  1. 48.S. Pascazio, P. Facchi
    Control of decoherence
    in "Noise and Information in Nanoelectronics, Sensors, and Standards III," edited by J.A. Bergou, J.M. Smulko, M.I. Dykman, L. Wang, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5846, 11 (2005)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 49.P. Facchi, R. Fazio, S. Montangero, S. Pascazio
    Dynamical versus static imperfections in quantum computers
    in "Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Quantum-Mechanical and Macroscopic Systems", edited by K. Nakamura, K. Takatsuka, I. Ohba (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto)
    Bussei Kenkyu 84, 519 (2005)
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  1. 50.G. Florio, P. Facchi, R. Fazio, V. Giovannetti, S. Pascazio
    Robust gates for holonomic quantum computation
    Physical Review A 73, 022327 (2006)
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  1. 51.J. Řeháček, Z. Hradil, J. Perina, S. Pascazio, P. Facchi, M. Zawisky
    Advanced Neutron Imaging and Sensing
    in “Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics”, Vol. 142, edited by P.W. Hawkes (Academic Press, Amsterdam, 2006) p. 53 [review article]
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 52.M. Iannuzzi, A. Orecchini, F. Sacchetti, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Direct experimental evidence of free fermion antibunching
    Physical Review Letters 96, 080402 (2006)
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  1. 53.G. Badurek, P. Facchi, Y. Hasegawa, Z. Hradil, S. Pascazio, H. Rauch, J. Řeháček, T. Yoneda
    Neutron wave-packet tomography
    Physical Review A 73, 032110 (2006)
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  1. 54.P. Facchi, V.L. Lepore, S. Pascazio
    Invariant subspaces and control of decoherence
    in “QP-PQ: Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis - Vol. XIX Quantum Information and Computing (World Scientific, Singapore, 2006) p. 81
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 55.P. Facchi, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, S. Tasaki
    Control of decoherence via quantum Zeno subspaces
    International Journal of Modern Physics B 20, 140 (2006)
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  1. 56.P. Facchi, R. Fazio, G. Florio, S. Pascazio, T. Yoneda
    Zeno subspaces for coupled superconducting qubits
    Foundations of Physics 36, 500 (2006)
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  1. 57.K. Yuasa, S. Tasaki, P. Facchi, G. Kimura, H. Nakazato, I. Ohba, S. Pascazio
    Projection Operator Method for Open Quantum Systems Revisited
    in "Fundamental Problems and Applications of Quantum Field Theory"
    Soryushiron Kenkyu Electronics 113, A15 (2006)
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  1. 58.A. Trullo, P. Facchi, R. Fazio, G. Florio, V. Giovannetti, S. Pascazio
    Robustness of optimal working points for non adiabatic holonomic quantum computation
    Laser Physics 16, 1478 (2006)
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  1. 59.P. Facchi, G. Florio, S. Pascazio
    Probability-density-function characterization of multipartite entanglement
    Physical Review A 74, 042331 (2006)
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  1. 60.S. Tasaki, K. Yuasa, P. Facchi, G. Kimura, H. Nakazato, I. Ohba, S. Pascazio
    On the Assumption of Initial Factorization in the Master Equation for Weakly Coupled Systems I: General Framework
    Annals of Physics 322, 631 (2007)
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  1. 61.K. Yuasa, S. Tasaki, P. Facchi, G. Kimura, H. Nakazato, I. Ohba, S. Pascazio
    On the Assumption of Initial Factorization in the Master Equation for Weakly Coupled Systems II: Solvable Models
    Annals of Physics 322, 657 (2007)
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  1. 62.N. Basalto, R. Bellotti, F. De Carlo, P. Facchi, E. Pantaleo, S. Pascazio
    Hausdorff clustering of financial time series
    Physica A 379, 635 (2007)
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  1. 63.P. Facchi, G. Florio, S. Pascazio
    Characterizing and measuring multitipartite entanglement
    International Journal of Quantum Information 5, 97 (2007)
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  1. 64.G. Costantini, P. Facchi, G. Florio, S. Pascazio
    Multipartite entanglement characterization of a quantum phase transition
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40, 8009 (2007)
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  1. 65.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, T. Yoneda
    Interference of mesoscopic particles: quantum–classical transition
    Open Systems & Information Dynamics 14, 139 (2007)
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  1. 66.M. Asorey, P. Facchi, V.I. Man’ko, G. Marmo, S. Pascazio, E.G.C. Sudarshan
    Radon transform on the cylinder and tomography of a particle on the circle
    Physical Review A 76, 012117 (2007)
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  1. 67.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Quantum Zeno dynamics: mathematical and physical aspects
    arXiv:0903.3297 [math-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41, 493001 (2008) [Topical Review]
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 68.M. Asorey, P. Facchi, V.I. Man’ko, G. Marmo, S. Pascazio, E.C.G. Sudarshan
    Generalized tomographic maps
    arXiv:0802.4140 [math-ph]
    Physical Review A 77, 042115 (2008)
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  1. 69.P. Facchi, G. Florio, G. Parisi, S. Pascazio
    Maximally multipartite entangled states
    arXiv:0710.2868 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 77, 060304(R) (2008)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 70.K. Yuasa, P. Facchi, H. Nakazato, I. Ohba, S. Pascazio, S. Tasaki
    Lateral Effects in Fermion Antibunching
    arXiv:0706.2335 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 77, 043623 (2008)
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  1. 71.D. Rossini, P. Facchi, R. Fazio, G. Florio, D. A. Lidar, S. Pascazio, F. Plastina, P. Zanardi
    Bang-Bang control of a qubit coupled to a quantum critical spin bath
    arXiv:0802.2859 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 77, 052112 (2008)
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  1. 72.A. De Pasquale, G. Costantini, P. Facchi, G. Florio, S. Pascazio, K. Yuasa
    XX model on the circle
    arXiv:0801.1394 [quant-ph]
    The European Physical Journal - Special Topics 160, 127 (2008)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 73.P. Facchi, U. Marzolino, G. Parisi, S. Pascazio, A. Scardicchio
    Phase transitions of bipartite entanglement
    arXiv:0712.0015 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review Letters 101, 050502 (2008)
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  1. 74.F. Barone, P. Facchi, W.M. Tulczyjew
    Frame independent dynamics in the Newtonian space-time
    Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 7, 7 (2008)
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  1. 75.N. Basalto, R. Bellotti, F. De Carlo, P. Facchi, E. Pantaleo, S. Pascazio
    Hausdorff clustering
    arXiv:0801.0748 []
    Physical Review E 78, 046112 (2008)
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  1. 76.P. Facchi, G. Florio, C. Invernizzi, S. Pascazio
    Entanglement of two blocks of spins in the critical Ising model
    arXiv:0808.0600 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 78, 052302 (2008)
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  1. 77.P. Facchi
    Multipartite entanglement in qubit systems
    arXiv:0811.0702 [math-ph]
    Rendiconti Lincei - Matematica e applicazioni 20, 25 (2009)
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  1. 78.P. Facchi, G. Florio, U. Marzolino, G. Parisi, S. Pascazio
    Statistical mechanics of multipartite entanglement
    arXiv:0803.4498 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42, 055304 (2009)
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  1. 79.D. Bruno, P. Facchi, S. Longo, P. Minelli, S. Pascazio, A. Scardicchio
    Quantum Zeno effect in a model multilevel molecule
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113, 14875 (2009)
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  1. 80.P. Facchi, G. Marmo, S. Pascazio
    Quantum Zeno dynamics and quantum Zeno subspaces
    arXiv:0711.4280 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 196, 012017 (2009)
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  1. 81.A. De Pasquale, P. Facchi
    XY model on the circle: diagonalization, spectrum and forerunners of the quantum phase transition
    arXiv:0808.1478 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 80, 032102 (2009)
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  1. 82.K. Yuasa, P. Facchi, R. Fazio, H. Nakazato, I. Ohba, S. Pascazio, S. Tasaki
    Entanglement of electrons field-emitted from a superconductor
    arXiv:0810.5245 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review B 79, 180503(R) (2009)
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  1. 83.E. Pantaleo, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Simulations of Lévy flights
    Physica Scripta T135, 014036 (2009)
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  1. 84.P. Facchi, G. Florio, C. Lupo, S. Mancini, S. Pascazio
    Gaussian maximally multipartite entangled states
    arXiv:0908.0114 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 80, 062311 (2009)
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  1. 85.P. Facchi, M. Ligabò, S. Pascazio
    On the inversion of the Radon transform: standard versus M2 approach
    arXiv:0905.4321 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Modern Optics 57, 239 (2010)
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  1. 86.P. Facchi, S. Graffi, M. Ligabò
    The classical limit of the quantum Zeno effect
    arXiv:0911.5675 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43, 032001 (2010)
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  1. 87.P. Facchi, M. Ligabò
    Quantum Zeno effect and dynamics
    arXiv:0911.2201 [math-ph]
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 51, 022103 (2010)
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  1. 88.P. Facchi, G. Florio, U. Marzolino, G. Parisi, S. Pascazio
    Multipartite Entanglement and Frustration
    arXiv:0910.3134 [quant-ph]
    New Journal of Physics 12, 025015 (2010)
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  1. 89.P. Facchi, G. Florio, U. Marzolino, G. Parisi, S. Pascazio
    Classical Statistical Mechanics Approach to Multipartite Entanglement
    arXiv:1002.2592 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43, 225303 (2010)
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  1. 90.A. De Pasquale, P. Facchi, G. Parisi, S. Pascazio, A. Scardicchio
    Phase transitions and metastability in the distribution of the bipartite entanglement of a large quantum system
    arXiv:0911.3888 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 81, 052324 (2010)
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  1. 91.P. Facchi, M. Ligabò
    Classical and quantum aspects of tomography
    arXiv:1001.5169 [math-ph]
    AIP Conference Proceedings 1260, 3 (2010)
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  1. 92.P. Facchi, G. Florio, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe
    Local Hamiltonians for Maximally Multipartite Entangled States
    arXiv:1006.4958 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 82, 042313 (2010)
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  1. 93.P. Facchi, R. Kulkarni, V.I. Man’ko, G. Marmo, E.C.G. Sudarshan, F. Ventriglia
    Classical and Quantum Fisher Information in the Geometrical Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
    arXiv:1009.5219 [quant-ph]
    Physics Letters A 374, 4801 (2010)
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  1. 94.J.-M. Raimond, C. Sayrin, S. Gleyzes, I. Dotsenko, M. Brune, S. Haroche, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Phase space tweezers for tailoring cavity fields by quantum Zeno dynamics
    arXiv:1007.4942 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review Letters 105, 213601 (2010)
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  1. 95.F. Barone, P. Facchi, W.M. Tulczyjew
    Singular densities, test particles and generalized Hamiltonian systems in general relativity
    Journal of Geometry and Physics 61, 333 (2011)
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  1. 96.M. Asorey, P. Facchi, G. Florio, V.I. Man’ko, G. Marmo, S. Pascazio, E.C.G. Sudarshan
    Robustness of raw quantum tomography
    arXiv:1003.1664 [quant-ph]
    Physics Letters A 375, 861 (2011)
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  1. 97.M. Iannuzzi, R. Messi, D. Moricciani, A. Orecchini, F. Sacchetti, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Further evidence of antibunching of two coherent beams of fermions
    arXiv:1104.1365 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 84, 015601 (2011)
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  1. 98.P. Smacchia, L. Amico, P. Facchi, R. Fazio, G. Florio, S. Pascazio, V. Vedral
    Statistical mechanics of the Cluster-Ising model
    arXiv:1105.0853 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 84, 022304 (2011)
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  1. 99.J.-M. Raimond, C. Sayrin, S. Gleyzes, I. Dotsenko, M. Brune, S. Haroche, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Quantum Zeno effect and quantum Zeno dynamics in cavity quantum electrodynamics
    in “CLEO:2011 - Laser Applications to Photonic Applications”, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2011), paper QThB2
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  1. 100.P. Facchi, G. Florio, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe
    Binary mixtures of condensates in generic confining potentials
    arXiv:1105.2482 [math-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 44, 505305 (2011)
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  1. 101.P. Facchi, G. Florio, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe
    Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states and few-body Hamiltonians
    arXiv:1105.0587 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review Letters 107, 260502 (2011)
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  1. 102.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Is entanglement quantum?
    in “Perspectives of Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics –The Memory of Professor Shuichi Tasaki–”, edited by Masatoshi Murase (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto)
    Bussei Kenkyu 97, 370 (2011)
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  1. 103.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, J.-M. Raimond, C. Sayrin, S. Gleyzes, I. Dotsenko, M. Brune, S. Haroche
    Quantum Zeno effect and quantum Zeno dynamics in cavity quantum electrodynamics
    in “International Conference on Quantum Information”, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2011), paper QWC3
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  1. 104.A. De Pasquale, P. Facchi, V. Giovannetti, G. Parisi, S. Pascazio, A. Scardicchio
    Statistical distribution of the local purity in a large quantum system
    arXiv:1106.5330 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45, 015308 (2012)
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  1. 105.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, V. Vedral, K. Yuasa
    Quantumness and entanglement witnesses
    arXiv:1111.5257 [math-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45, 105302 (2012)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 106.A. De Pasquale, P. Facchi, V. Giovannetti, K. Yuasa
    Entanglement-assisted tomography of a quantum target
    arXiv:1107.5545 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45, 105309 (2012)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 107.C. Lupo, S. Mancini, P. Facchi, G. Florio, S. Pascazio
    Entanglement frustration in multimode Gaussian states
    arXiv:1110.3725 [quant-ph]
    International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 9, 1260022 (2012)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 108.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    The geometry of the quantum Zeno effect
    arXiv:1110.4216 [math-ph]
    International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 9, 1260024 (2012)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 109.D. Chruscinski, P. Facchi, G. Marmo, S. Pascazio
    The observables of a dissipative quantum system
    arXiv:1102.1679 [quant-ph]
    Open Systems & Information Dynamics 19, 1250002 (2012)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 110.N. Lörch, F.V. Pepe, H. Lignier, D. Ciampini, R. Mannella, O. Morsch, E. Arimondo, P. Facchi, G. Florio, S. Pascazio, S. Wimberger
    Wave-function-renormalization effects in resonantly enhanced tunneling
    arXiv:1201.6286 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 85, 053602 (2012)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 111.M. Asorey, P. Facchi, V.I. Man’ko, G. Marmo, S. Pascazio, E.C.G. Sudarshan
    Generalized quantum tomographic maps
    arXiv:1203.5833 [quant-ph]
    Physica Scripta 85, 065001 (2012)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 112.F.V. Pepe, P. Facchi, G. Florio, S. Pascazio
    Domain wall suppression in trapped mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates
    arXiv:1206.3339 [cond-mat.quant-gas]
    Physical Review A 86, 023629 (2012)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 113.J.-M. Raimond, P. Facchi, B. Peaudecerf, S. Pascazio, C. Sayrin, I. Dotsenko, S. Gleyzes, M. Brune, S. Haroche
    Quantum Zeno dynamics of a field in a cavity
    arXiv:1207.6499 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 86, 032120 (2012)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 114.C. Lupo, S. Mancini, A. De Pasquale, P. Facchi, G. Florio, S. Pascazio
    Invariant measures on multimode quantum Gaussian states
    arXiv:1202.2456 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 53, 122209 (2012)
    [link]  [PDF]


  1. 115.M. Asorey, P. Facchi, G. Marmo, S. Pascazio
    A dynamical composition law for boundary conditions
    arXiv:1301.1501 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46, 102001 (2013)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 116.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, F. V. Pepe, E. Arimondo, D. Ciampini, O. Morsch
    Unearthing wave-function renormalization effects in the time evolution of a Bose-Einstein condensate
    arXiv:1211.1822 [quant-ph]
    Physica Scripta T153, 014024 (2013)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 117.F.D. Cunden, P. Facchi, G. Florio, S. Pascazio
    Typical entanglement
    arXiv:1303.4209 [math-ph]
    The European Physical Journal Plus 128, 48 (2013)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 118.P. Facchi, G. Florio, G. Parisi, S. Pascazio, K. Yuasa
    Entropy-driven phase transitions of entanglement
    arXiv:1302.3383 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 87, 052324 (2013)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 119.F.D. Cunden, P. Facchi, G. Florio
    Polarized ensembles of random pure states
    arXiv:1304.6219 [math-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46, 315306 (2013)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 120.S. Di Martino, F. Anzà, P. Facchi, A. Kossakowski, G. Marmo, A. Messina, B. Militello, S. Pascazio
    A quantum particle in a box with moving walls
    arXiv:1306.4252 [math-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46, 365301 (2013)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 121.D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, V. Giovannetti, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, K. Yuasa
    Non-Abelian phases from a quantum Zeno dynamics
    arXiv:1305.6433 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 88, 042107 (2013)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 122.A. De Pasquale, D. Rossini, P. Facchi, V. Giovannetti
    Quantum parameter estimation affected by unitary disturbance
    arXiv:1305.3069 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 88, 052117 (2013)
    [link]  [PDF]


  1. 123.P. Facchi, L. Ferro, G. Marmo, S. Pascazio
    Defining quantumness via the Jordan product
    arXiv:1309.4635 [math-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47, 035301 (2014)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 124.F.D. Cunden, S. Di Martino, P. Facchi, G. Florio
    Spatial separation and entanglement of identical particles
    arXiv:1402.1434 [math-ph]
    International Journal of Quantum Information 12, 1461001 (2014)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 125.P. Facchi, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe, K. Yuasa
    Interference in a two-mode Bose system as a typical phenomenon
    arXiv:1404.6130 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 89, 063625 (2014)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 126.D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, V. Giovannetti, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, K. Yuasa
    Exponential rise of dynamical complexity in quantum computing through projections
    arXiv:1403.5752 [quant-ph]
    Nature Communications 5, 5173 (2014)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 127.P. Facchi, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe,  G.A. Sekh, K. Yuasa
    Phase randomization and typicality in the interference of two condensates
    arXiv:1410.1381 [cond-mat.quant-gas]
    International Journal of Quantum Information 12, 15600199 (2014)
    [link]  [PDF]


  1. 128.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe, G.A. Sekh
    Typical observables in a two-mode Bose system
    arXiv:1501.03399 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 91, 033637 (2015)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 129.S. Di Martino, P. Facchi
    Quantum systems with time-dependent boundaries
    arXiv:1501.06490 [math-ph]
    International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 12, 1560003 (2015)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 130.M. Asorey, P. Facchi, V.I. Man’ko, G. Marmo, S. Pascazio, E.C.G. Sudarshan
    Generalized tomographic maps and star-product formalism
    arXiv:1503.05329 [quant-ph]
    Physica Scripta 90, 065101 (2015)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 131.P. Facchi, M. Ligabò, S. Solimini
    Tomography: mathematical aspects and applications
    arXiv:1501.07385 [math-ph]
    Physica Scripta 90, 074007 (2015)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 132.F.D. Cunden, P. Facchi, P. Vivo
    Joint statistics of quantum transport in chaotic cavities
    arXiv:1502.06640 [cond-mat.stat-mech]
    Europhysics Letters 110, 50002 (2015)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 133.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe
    Quantum typicality and initial conditions
    arXiv:1501.05881 [quant-ph]
    Physica Scripta 90, 074057 (2015)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 134.S. Notarnicola, E. Ercolessi, P. Facchi, G. Marmo, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe
    Discrete Abelian Gauge Theories for Quantum Simulations of QED
    arXiv:1503.04340 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 48, 30FT01 (2015)
    [link]  [PDF]  [IOP news]

  1. 135.G.A. Sekh, F.V. Pepe, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, M. Salerno
    Split and overlapped binary solitons in optical lattices
    arXiv:1504.00282 [cond-mat.quant-gas]
    Physical Review A 92, 013639 (2015)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 136.A. De Pasquale, P. Facchi, G. Florio, V. Giovannetti, K. Matsuoka, K. Yuasa
    Two-mode bosonic quantum metrology with number fluctuations
    arXiv:1504.03562 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 92, 042115 (2015)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 137.D. Orsucci, D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, K. Yuasa, V. Giovannetti
    Hamiltonian purification
    arXiv:1411.0316 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 56, 122104 (2015)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 138.P. Facchi, G. Florio, G. Parisi, S. Pascazio, A. Scardicchio
    Large-N approximated field theory for multipartite entanglement
    arXiv:1506.04603 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 92, 062330 (2015)
    [link]  [PDF]


  1. 139.F.D. Cunden, P. Facchi, P. Vivo
    A shortcut through the Coulomb gas method for spectral linear statistics on random matrices
    arXiv:1510.05438 [math-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49, 135202 (2016)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 140.L. Motka, B. Stoklasa, M. D’Angelo, P. Facchi, A. Garuccio, Z. Hradil, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe, Y.S. Teo, J. Řeháček, L.L. Sánchez-Soto
    Optical resolution from Fisher information
    The European Physical Journal Plus 131, 130 (2016)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 141.P. Facchi, G. Garnero, G. Marmo, J. Samuel
    Moving walls and geometric phases
    arXiv:1509.00381 [math-ph]
    Annals of Physics 372, 201 (2016)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 142.C. Arenz, D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, V. Giovannetti, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, K. Yuasa
    Universal control induced by noise
    arXiv:1601.01212 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 93, 062308 (2016)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 143.G.I. Martone, F.V. Pepe, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, S. Stringari
    Tricriticalities and quantum phases in spin-orbit-coupled spin-1 Bose gases
    arXiv:1511.09225 [cond-mat.quant-gas]
    Physical Review Letters 117, 125301 (2016)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 144.P. Facchi, M.S. Kim, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe, D. Pomarico, T. Tufarelli
    Bound states and entanglement generation in waveguide quantum electrodynamics
    arXiv:1604.01300 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 94, 043839 (2016)
    [link]  [PDF]


  1. 145.S. Alipour, D. Chruscinski, P. Facchi, G. Marmo, S. Pascazio, A. T.  Rezakhani
    Dynamical algebra of observables in dissipative quantum systems
    arXiv:1511.08132 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49, 065301 (2017)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 146.P. Facchi, M. Ligabò
    Large-time limit of the quantum Zeno effect
    arXiv:1702.04284 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 58, 032103 (2017)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 147.D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, G. Garnero, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, K. Yuasa
    Can decay be ascribed to classical noise?
    arXiv:1609.01476 [quant-ph]
    Open Systems & Information Dynamics 24, 1750001 (2017)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 148.F.D. Cunden, P. Facchi, M. Ligabò, P. Vivo
    Universality of the third-order phase transition in the constrained Coulomb gas
    arXiv:1702.05071 [math-ph]
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2017, 053303 (2017)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 149.P. Facchi, G. Garnero
    Quantum thermodynamics and canonical typicality
    arXiv:1705.02270 [quant-ph]
    International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 14, 1740001 (2017)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 150.P. Facchi, G. Garnero, M. Ligabò
    Quantum fluctuation relations
    arXiv:1705.06096 [quant-ph]
    International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 14, 1740002 (2017)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 151.D. Burgarth, P. Facchi
    Positive Hamiltonians can give purely exponential decay
    arXiv:1705.01878 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 96, 010103(R) (2017)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 152.P. Facchi
    Spotlight Summary on “Particle–wave dichotomy in quantum Monte Carlo: unlocking the quantum correlations”
    Spotlight on Optics, OSA Publishing, October 2017
    [link]  [HTML]

  1. 153.P. Facchi, M. Ligabò, K. Yuasa
    On the derivation of the GKLS equation for weakly coupled systems
    arXiv:1709.06472 [math-ph]
    Open Systems & Information Dynamics 24, 1740017 (2017)
    [link]  [PDF]


  1. 154.P. Facchi, G. Garnero, M. Ligabò
    Self-adjoint extensions and unitary operators on the boundary
    arXiv:1703.04091 [math-ph]
    Letters in Mathematical Physics 108, 195 (2018)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 155.S. Di Martino, P. Facchi, G. Florio
    Feynman graphs and the large dimensional limit of multipartite entanglement
    arXiv:1702.04919 [math-ph]
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 59, 012201 (2018)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 156.P. Facchi, G. Garnero, M. Ligabò
    Quantum cavities with alternating boundary conditions
    arXiv:1710.10893 [math-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51, 105301 (2018)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 157.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe, K. Yuasa
    Long-lived entanglement of two multilevel atoms in a waveguide
    arXiv:1705.01967 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Physics Communications 2, 035006 (2018)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 158.C. Arenz, D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, R. Hillier
    Dynamical decoupling of unbounded Hamiltonians
    arXiv:1704.06143 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 59, 032203 (2018)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 159.P. Facchi, G. Garnero, G. Marmo, J. Samuel, S. Sinha
    Boundaries without boundaries
    arXiv:1711.03029 [quant-ph]
    Annals of Physics 394, 139 (2018)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 160.F.D. Cunden, P. Facchi, M. Ligabò, P. Vivo
    Universality of the weak pushed-to-pulled transition in systems with repulsive interactions
    arXiv:1711.09141 [cond-mat.stat.mech]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51, 35LT01 (2018)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 161.E. Ercolessi, P. Facchi, G. Magnifico, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe
    Phase transitions in Zn gauge models: Towards quantum simulations of the Schwinger-Weyl QED
    arXiv:1705.11047 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review D 98, 074503 (2018)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 162.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe, D. Pomarico
    Correlated photon emission by two excited atoms in a waveguide
    arXiv:1810.02740 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 98, 063823 (2018)
    [link]  [PDF]


  1. 163.T. Matsubara, P. Facchi, V. Giovannetti, K. Yuasa
    Optimal Gaussian Metrology for Generic Multimode Interferometric Circuit
    arXiv:1802.01452 [quant-ph]
    New Journal of Physics 21, 033014 (2019)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 164.A. Crespi, F.V. Pepe, P. Facchi, F. Sciarrino, P. Mataloni, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, R. Osellame
    Experimental investigation of quantum decay at short, intermediate and long times via integrated photonics
    arXiv:1903.05378 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review Letters 122, 130401 (2019)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 165.F.D. Cunden, P. Facchi, M. Ligabò, P. Vivo
    Third-order phase transition: random matrices and screened Coulomb gas with hard walls
    arXiv:1810.12593 [math-ph]
    Journal of Statistical Physics 175, 1262 (2019)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 166.A. Crespi, F.V. Pepe, P. Facchi, F. Sciarrino, P. Mataloni, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, R. Osellame
    Experimental investigation of quantum decay via integrated photonics
    Proceedings 12, 9 (2019)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 167.D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, K. Yuasa
    Generalized Adiabatic Theorem and Strong Coupling Limits
    arXiv:1807.02036 [quant-ph]
    Quantum 3, 152 (2019)
    [link]  [PDF]  [Q Views]

  1. 168.G. Gramegna, D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Continuous and pulsed quantum control
    Proceedings 12, 15 (2019)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 169.D. Lonigro, P. Facchi, M. Ligabò
    The Friedrichs-Lee model and its singular coupling limit
    Proceedings 12, 17 (2019)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 170.P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
    Kick and fix: the roots of quantum control
    arXiv:1902.01591 [quant-ph]
    Proceedings 12, 30 (2019)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 171.P. Facchi, D. Lonigro, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe, D. Pomarico
    Bound states in the continuum for an array of quantum emitters
    arXiv:1904.13004 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 100, 023834 (2019)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 172.A. Crespi, F.V. Pepe, P. Facchi, F. Sciarrino, P. Mataloni, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, R. Osellame
    Observation of Quantum Decay Dynamics in an Integrated Photonic Chip
    in “Quantum Information and Measurement (QIM) V: Quantum Technologies”, OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2019), paper T5A.4
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 173.P. Facchi, G. Parisi, S. Pascazio, A. Scardicchio, K. Yuasa
    Phase diagram of bipartite entanglement
    arXiv:1906.01269 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52, 414002 (2019)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 174.D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, G. Gramegna, S. Pascazio
    Generalized product formulas and quantum control
    arXiv:1906.04498 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52, 435301 (2019)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 175.M. Asorey, P. Facchi, G. Marmo
    Topological order, mixed states and open systems
    arXiv:1905.05539 [math-ph]
    Open Systems & Information Dynamics 26, 1950012 (2019)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 176.D. Gatto, P. Facchi, F.A. Narducci, V. Tamma
    Distributed quantum metrology with a single squeezed-vacuum source
    arXiv:1906.12294 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review Research 1, 032024(R) (2019)
    [link]  [PDF]


  1. 177.F.V. Pepe, P. Facchi, Z. Kordi, S. Pascazio
    Nonexponential decay of Feshbach molecules
    arXiv:1909.09614 [cond-mat.quant-gas]
    Physical Review A 101, 013632 (2020)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 178.D. Gatto, P. Facchi, V. Tamma
    Phase space Heisenberg-limited estimation of the average phase shift in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer
    International Journal of Quantum Information 18, 1941019 (2020)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 179.F.D. Cunden, P. Facchi, G. Florio, G. Gramegna
    Volume of the set of LOCC-convertible quantum states
    arXiv:1910.04646 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 53, 175303 (2020)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 180.G. Magnifico, M. Dalmonte, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe, E. Ercolessi
    Real Time Dynamics and Confinement in the Zn Schwinger-Weyl lattice model for 1+1 QED
    arXiv:1909.04821 [quant-ph]
    Quantum 4, 281 (2020)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 181.D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, K. Yuasa
    Quantum Zeno dynamics from general quantum operations
    arXiv:1809.09570 [quant-ph]
    Quantum 4, 289 (2020)
    [link]  [PDF]  [Nat Rev Phys]

  1. 182.G. Scala, F.V. Pepe, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, K. Słovik
    Light interaction with extended quantum systems in dispersive media
    arXiv:2007.06320 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
    New Journal of Physics 22, 123047 (2020)
    [link]  [PDF]


  1. 183.D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, M. Ligabò, D. Lonigro
    Hidden non-Markovianity in open quantum systems
    arXiv:2009.10605 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 103, 012203 (2021)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 184.F.D. Cunden, P. Facchi, G. Florio, G. Gramegna
    Generic aspects of the resource theory of quantum coherence
    arXiv:2010.06533 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 103, 022401 (2021)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 185.G. Gramegna, D. Triggiani,  P. Facchi, F.A. Narducci, V. Tamma
    Typicality of Heisenberg scaling precision in multi-mode quantum metrology
    arXiv:2003.12551 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review Research 3, 013152 (2021)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 186.P. Facchi, M. Ligabò, D. Lonigro
    Spectral properties of the singular Friedrichs-Lee Hamiltonian
    arXiv:1910.05957 [math-ph]
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 62, 032102 (2021)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 187.D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, K. Yuasa
    Eternal adiabaticity in quantum evolution
    arXiv:2011.04713 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 103, 032214 (2021)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 188.D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, K. Yuasa
    Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser stability for conserved quantities in finite-dimensional quantum systems
    arXiv:2011.04707 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review Letters 126, 150401 (2021)
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  1. 189.G. Gramegna, D. Triggiani, P. Facchi, F.A. Narducci, V. Tamma
    Heisenberg scaling precision in multi-mode distributed quantum metrology
    arXiv:2003.12550 [quant-ph]
    New Journal of Physics 23, 053002 (2021)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 190.P. Facchi, G. Gramegna, A. Konderak
    Entropy of quantum states
    arXiv:2104.12611 [quant-ph]
    Entropy 23, 645 (2021)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 191.G. Scala, K. Słovik, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe
    Beyond the Rabi model: Light interactions with polar atomic systems in a cavity
    arXiv:2103.11232 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 104, 013722 (2021)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 192.D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, M. Fraas, R. Hillier
    Non-Markovian noise that cannot be dynamically decoupled by periodic spin echo pulses
    arXiv:1904.03627 [quant-ph]
    SciPost Physics 11, 027 (2021)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 193.D. Lonigro, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe, D. Pomarico
    Stationary excitation waves and multimerization in arrays of quantum emitters
    arXiv:2106.08213 [quant-ph]
    New Journal of Physics 23, 103033 (2021)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 194.D. Lonigro, P. Facchi, A.D. Greentree, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe, D. Pomarico
    Photon-emitter dressed states in a closed waveguide
    arXiv:2103.10926 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 104, 053702 (2021)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 195.Yajuan Zang, P. Facchi, Zihong Tian
    Quantum combinatorial designs and k-uniform states
    arXiv:2111.04055 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 54, 505204 (2021)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 196.D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, D. Lonigro, K. Modi
    Quantum non-Markovianity elusive to interventions
    arXiv:2108.05750 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 104, L050404 (2021)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 197.D. Triggiani, P. Facchi, V. Tamma
    Heisenberg scaling precision in the estimation of functions of parameters in linear optical networks
    arXiv:2103.08564 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 104, 062603 (2021)
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  1. 198.D. Triggiani, P. Facchi, V. Tamma
    Non-adaptive Heisenberg-limited metrology with multi-channel homodyne measurements
    arXiv:2110.03582 [quant-ph]
    The European Physical Journal Plus 137, 125 (2022)
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  1. 199.D. Gatto, P. Facchi, V. Tamma
    Heisenberg-limited estimation robust to photon losses in a multi-parameter Mach-Zehnder network with squeezed light
    arXiv:2104.02417 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 105, 012607 (2022)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 200.R. Maggi, E. Ercolessi, P. Facchi, G. Marmo, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe
    Dimensional reduction of electromagnetism
    arXiv:2111.10728 [physics.class-ph]
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 63, 022902 (2022)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 201.G. Angelone, P. Facchi, D. Lonigro
    Quantum magnetic billiards: boundary conditions and gauge transformations
    arXiv:2109.10275 [quant-ph]
    Annals of Physics 442, 168914 (2022)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 202.D. Triggiani, P. Facchi, V. Tamma
    The Role of Auxiliary Stages in Gaussian Quantum Metrology
    Photonics 9, 345 (2022)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 203.D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, G. Gramegna, K. Yuasa
    One bound to rule them all: from Adiabatic to Zeno
    arXiv:2111.08961 [quant-ph]
    Quantum 6, 737 (2022)
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  1. 204.G. Angelone, P. Facchi, G. Marmo
    Hearing the shape of a quantum boundary condition
    arXiv:2204.10248 [quant-ph]
    Modern Physics Letters A 37, 2250114 (2022)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 205.D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, R. Hillier
    Stability and convergence of dynamical decoupling with finite amplitude controls
    arXiv:2205.00988 [math-ph]
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 63, 112206 (2022)
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  1. 206.D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, R. Hillier
    Control of quantum noise: on the role of dilations
    arXiv:2010.00279 [math-ph]
    Annales Henri Poincaré 24, 325 (2023)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 207.G. Angelone, M. Asorey, P. Facchi, D. Lonigro, Y. Martinez
    Boundary conditions for the quantum Hall effect
    arXiv:2209.09629 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 56, 025301 (2023)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 208.G. Angelone, E. Ercolessi, P. Facchi, D. Lonigro, R. Maggi, G. Marmo, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe
    Dimensional reduction of the Dirac theory
    arXiv:2211.08581 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 56, 065201 (2023)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 209.D. Pomarico, L. Cosmai, P. Facchi, C. Lupo, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe
    Dynamical quantum phase transitions of the Schwinger model: real-time dynamics on IBM Quantum
    arXiv:2302.01151 [quant-ph]
    Entropy 25, 608 (2023)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 210.D. Lonigro, R. Maggi, G. Angelone, E. Ercolessi, P. Facchi, G. Marmo, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe
    Dimensional reduction of the Dirac equation in arbitrary spatial dimensions
    arXiv:2212.11965 [quant-ph]
    The European Physical Journal Plus 138, 324 (2023)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 211.D. Amato, P. Facchi, A. Konderak
    Asymptotics of quantum channels
    arXiv:2210.17513 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 56, 265304 (2023)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 212.F.M. Ciaglia, F. Di Cosmo, P. Facchi, A. Ibort, A. Konderak, G. Marmo
    Groupoid and algebra of the infinite quantum spin chain
    arXiv:2302.01050 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Geometry and Physics 191, 104901 (2023)
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  1. 213.F.D. Cunden, P. Facchi, M. Ligabò
    The semiclassical limit of a quantum Zeno dynamics
    arXiv:2302.02673 [math-ph]
    Letters in Mathematical Physics 113, 114 (2023)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 214.V. Viggiano, R. Bachelard, F.D. Cunden, P. Facchi, R. Kaiser, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe
    Cooperative photon emission rates in random atomic clouds
    arXiv:2306.06055 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 108, 063701 (2023)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 215.D. Amato, P. Facchi, A. Konderak
    Asymptotic dynamics of open quantum systems and modular theory
    arXiv:2210.14548 [quant-ph]
    in “Quantum Mathematics II,” edited by M. Correggi and M. Falconi,
    Springer INdAM Series Vol. 58, p. 169 (Springer, Singapore, 2023)
    [link]  [PDF]


  1. 216.P. Facchi, D. Lonigro
    Positive Hamiltonians cannot give exponential decay of positive observables
    arXiv:2309.03625 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 57, 015302 (2024)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 217.D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, R. Hillier, M. Ligabò
    Taming the Rotating Wave Approximation
    arXiv:2301.02269 [quant-ph]
    Quantum 8, 1262 (2024)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 218.P. Facchi, M. Ligabò
    Stability of the gapless pure point spectrum of self-adjoint operators
    arXiv:2211.05670 [math-ph]
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 65, 032102 (2024)
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  1. 219.M.A. Javarone, F.E. Rosas, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, S. Stramaglia
    Quantifying high-order interdependencies in entangled quantum states
    arXiv:2310.03681 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 109, 042605 (2024)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 220.D. Amato, P. Facchi
    Number of steady states of quantum evolutions
    arXiv:2404.00440 [quant-ph]
    Scientific Reports 14, 14366 (2024)
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  1. 221.M. Maffei, D. Pomarico, P. Facchi, G. Magnifico, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe
    Directional emission and photon bunching from a qubit pair in waveguide
    arXiv:2402.01286 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review Research 6, L032017 (2024)
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  1. 222.G. Angelone, P. Facchi, M. Ligabò
    Classical echoes of quantum boundary conditions
    arXiv:2404.17430 [quant-ph]
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 57, 425304 (2024)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 223.D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, K. Yuasa
    Central charge in quantum optics
    arXiv:2402.17114 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review Research 6, L042011 (2024)
    [link]  [PDF]

  1. 224.D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, A. Hahn, M. Johnsson, K. Yuasa
    Strong error bounds for Trotter and Strang-splittings and their implications for quantum chemistry
    arXiv:2312.08044 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review Research 6, 043155 (2024)
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  1. 225.L. Maggio, D. Triggiani, P. Facchi, V. Tamma
    Multi-parameter estimation of the state of two interfering photonic qubits
    arXiv:2405.12870 [quant-ph]
    Physica Scripta 100, 035106 (2025)
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  1. 226.A. Hahn, P . Hartung, D. Burgarth, P . Facchi, K. Yuasa
    Lower bounds for the Trotter error
    arXiv:2410.03059 [quant-ph]
    Physical Review A 111, 022417 (2025)
    [link]  [PDF]


  1. 227.M. Bardoscia, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, A. Trullo
    Spin glass model of operational risk
    arXiv:1002.3560 [q-fin.RM]

  1. 228.D. Amato, P. Facchi, A. Konderak
    Decoherence-free algebras in quantum dynamics
    arXiv:2403.12926 [quant-ph]

  1. 229.A. Rai, D. Triggiani, P. Facchi, V. Tamma
    Heisenberg-limited sensitivity in the estimation of two parameters in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer
    arXiv:2405.17115 [quant-ph]

  1. 230.V. Viggiano, R. Bachelard, F.D. Cunden, P. Facchi, R. Kaiser, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe, A. Scardicchio
    Condensation of vanishing photon emission rates in random atomic clouds
    arXiv:2407.11858 [quant-ph]

  1. 231.P. Facchi, M. Ligabò, V. Viesti
    Robustness of quantum symmetries against perturbations
    arXiv:2411.18529 [quant-ph]

  1. 232.L. Maggio, D. Triggiani, P. Facchi, V. Tamma
    Estimation of the frequency-shift between two photons by time-sampling measurements
    arXiv:2412.16304 [quant-ph]

  1. 233.G. Magnifico, M. Maffei, D. Pomarico, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe
    Non-Markovian dynamics of BIC generation via single-photon scattering
    arXiv:2501.04691 [quant-ph]

  1. 234.D. Pomarico, M. Pandey, R. Cioli, F. Dell’Anna, S. Pascazio, F.V. Pepe, P. Facchi, E. Ercolessi
    Quantum error mitigation in optimized circuits for particle-density correlations in real-time dynamics of the Schwinger model
    arXiv:2501.10831 [quant-ph]

  1. 235.A. De Girolamo, P . Facchi, P . Rabl, S. Pascazio, C. Lupo, G. Magnifico
    Dynamical cluster-based optimization of tensor network algorithms for quantum circuit simulations
    arXiv:2502.19289 [quant-ph]